Comic Book News Feed

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TOP 5: Most Anticipated

Today I'm going to be doing the top five most anticipated forms of entertainment coming this year. So lets get right to it shall we?

1: Captain America: The First Avenger: For me this is a no brainer because I'm a huge Cap fan. The fact that it took this long for him to get a summer blockbuster is pretty surprising to me, especially with the sucess Iron Man, and Spider Man had. However with the plan that Marvel has layed out with all the films coinciding, and leading up to a big screen Avengers movie I cant complain. The film also looks like it is going to be at the top of the list for Marvel movies; second only to X-Men: First Class (which was phenomenal).  From the trailers alone I'm sold that this is going to be my movie of the Summer, even over X-Men: First Class just because I am that much of a Captain America fan. It's got the action, the romance, and the setting to make it one of the best superhero movies to date. We will find out soon. The movie hits theaters July, 22nd.

Side Note: My X-Men: First Class review isn't posted because I am waiting for the Blu-Ray release. I've seen the movie multiple times, and can't wait to see it again; the reason I'm deciding to wait is because I want to watch the movie alone, in the comfort of my home, so I can really pore into every detail.

2: Fear Itself By Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen: This huge crossover Marvel comics event has already started, but that doesn't stop it from being on the most anticipated list. We are already four issues in but from reading the story you get the sense that everything can only get bigger, badder, and worse from here. The story involves a lost Asguardian God know as the Serpent, and his Worthy. The Serpent is the God of Fear, and he sends the world into pure chaos by controlling the fear emotion. He also sends hammers; much like Thor's; down from the sky. They land all over the world and only the Worthy can pick them up and wield them. This could be anybody in the Marvel Universe, and it enhances their powers, as well as gives them godlike power. This is all started because the Red Skull's daughter Sin grabs an ancient unmovable hammer and seizes control of it.
Its been a great read so far, and one thing is for sure; you wont want to miss this.

3: Flashpoint by Geoff Johns, and Andy Kubert: This is another very exciting comic that has already started to release but is far from over. It started out very interesting, and has slowly become more and more mysterious. Within Flashpoint the whole DC Universe is completely different from what we know. Everything has changed, the Justice League never existed, and neither have any of the heroes of the universe that we know and love. Instead, the villains exist in their place, and an interesting twist has been added to some longtime favorites such as Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, and pretty much any other hero that you can think of. This limited series by DC Universe is three issues shorter than Fear Itself  but the tie in comics are much more interesting. There is a new mini tie in series for every key character in the plot of the story. This helps you get a behind the scenes look at what happened to some of the characters, and how this strange, new world ticks. Keep your eye on this one because Geoff Johns never disappoints, plus Andy Kubert's art has been phenomenal so far.

4: DC Comics New 52: A couple months ago DC Comics announced that in September they would start their New 52. This is a very shocking, and interesting idea of starting their books back at number 1. Almost every single book in the DC roster is getting a reboot with a fresh new number 1, and new creative teams behind them. A huge standout for me is Geoff Johns and Jim Lee working on Justice League of America. To read a little bit more about the creative teams behind some of the new series click here: "">The
Green Lantern, Batman, Teen Titans, Green Arrow, Green Lantern Corps are all getting new number 1's as well as an interesting new title called the New Guardians staring Kyle Rayner. Also Jonah Hex fans out there might like to know that he will be stationed in Gotham now, but in his same trademark time period.

5: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: I'm a huge fan of this show, and it has only gotten better over the years. If FX is smart they will keep this show running for as long as possible. Season six will be released on Blu-ray in late August or early September, and season seven is scheduled to air in September as well. Word is that this season is going to be one of their funniest, and raunchiest yet, and if you are a fan of the series you know that this is a good thing. There are many shows that are fighting to survive in the comedy market, and by far Sunny is the best.

Another quick note I would like to add is that FX is also working on the Powers series and are currently shooting now. Powers is based off of the comic series of the same name written by Brian Michael Bendis, and ilustrated by Michael Avon Oeming.

A graphic novel cover is shown below:

Well that does it for this issue of TOP 5. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and make sure you subscribe to the blog and my youtube channel XTheWatchmanX for video reactions to all sorts of things, as well as other videos. It's also easy to subscribe to the blog just click the subscribe in the top right corner, and click join the site in the bottom right hand corner to be more active in the posting process 

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