Comic Book News Feed

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TOP 5: Most Anticipated

Today I'm going to be doing the top five most anticipated forms of entertainment coming this year. So lets get right to it shall we?

1: Captain America: The First Avenger: For me this is a no brainer because I'm a huge Cap fan. The fact that it took this long for him to get a summer blockbuster is pretty surprising to me, especially with the sucess Iron Man, and Spider Man had. However with the plan that Marvel has layed out with all the films coinciding, and leading up to a big screen Avengers movie I cant complain. The film also looks like it is going to be at the top of the list for Marvel movies; second only to X-Men: First Class (which was phenomenal).  From the trailers alone I'm sold that this is going to be my movie of the Summer, even over X-Men: First Class just because I am that much of a Captain America fan. It's got the action, the romance, and the setting to make it one of the best superhero movies to date. We will find out soon. The movie hits theaters July, 22nd.

Side Note: My X-Men: First Class review isn't posted because I am waiting for the Blu-Ray release. I've seen the movie multiple times, and can't wait to see it again; the reason I'm deciding to wait is because I want to watch the movie alone, in the comfort of my home, so I can really pore into every detail.

2: Fear Itself By Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen: This huge crossover Marvel comics event has already started, but that doesn't stop it from being on the most anticipated list. We are already four issues in but from reading the story you get the sense that everything can only get bigger, badder, and worse from here. The story involves a lost Asguardian God know as the Serpent, and his Worthy. The Serpent is the God of Fear, and he sends the world into pure chaos by controlling the fear emotion. He also sends hammers; much like Thor's; down from the sky. They land all over the world and only the Worthy can pick them up and wield them. This could be anybody in the Marvel Universe, and it enhances their powers, as well as gives them godlike power. This is all started because the Red Skull's daughter Sin grabs an ancient unmovable hammer and seizes control of it.
Its been a great read so far, and one thing is for sure; you wont want to miss this.

3: Flashpoint by Geoff Johns, and Andy Kubert: This is another very exciting comic that has already started to release but is far from over. It started out very interesting, and has slowly become more and more mysterious. Within Flashpoint the whole DC Universe is completely different from what we know. Everything has changed, the Justice League never existed, and neither have any of the heroes of the universe that we know and love. Instead, the villains exist in their place, and an interesting twist has been added to some longtime favorites such as Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, and pretty much any other hero that you can think of. This limited series by DC Universe is three issues shorter than Fear Itself  but the tie in comics are much more interesting. There is a new mini tie in series for every key character in the plot of the story. This helps you get a behind the scenes look at what happened to some of the characters, and how this strange, new world ticks. Keep your eye on this one because Geoff Johns never disappoints, plus Andy Kubert's art has been phenomenal so far.

4: DC Comics New 52: A couple months ago DC Comics announced that in September they would start their New 52. This is a very shocking, and interesting idea of starting their books back at number 1. Almost every single book in the DC roster is getting a reboot with a fresh new number 1, and new creative teams behind them. A huge standout for me is Geoff Johns and Jim Lee working on Justice League of America. To read a little bit more about the creative teams behind some of the new series click here: "">The
Green Lantern, Batman, Teen Titans, Green Arrow, Green Lantern Corps are all getting new number 1's as well as an interesting new title called the New Guardians staring Kyle Rayner. Also Jonah Hex fans out there might like to know that he will be stationed in Gotham now, but in his same trademark time period.

5: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: I'm a huge fan of this show, and it has only gotten better over the years. If FX is smart they will keep this show running for as long as possible. Season six will be released on Blu-ray in late August or early September, and season seven is scheduled to air in September as well. Word is that this season is going to be one of their funniest, and raunchiest yet, and if you are a fan of the series you know that this is a good thing. There are many shows that are fighting to survive in the comedy market, and by far Sunny is the best.

Another quick note I would like to add is that FX is also working on the Powers series and are currently shooting now. Powers is based off of the comic series of the same name written by Brian Michael Bendis, and ilustrated by Michael Avon Oeming.

A graphic novel cover is shown below:

Well that does it for this issue of TOP 5. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and make sure you subscribe to the blog and my youtube channel XTheWatchmanX for video reactions to all sorts of things, as well as other videos. It's also easy to subscribe to the blog just click the subscribe in the top right corner, and click join the site in the bottom right hand corner to be more active in the posting process 

The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Has Leaked!

Another highly anticipated movie, another leaked trailer. Seriously, this has become an epidemic it seems, and a part of me is bummed that this keeps happening because I like being surprised. Then on the other hand, its always cool to see things early. Once again, this is a shaky cam leak so don't expect anything too hight quality until the trailer officially lands worldwide on Friday. Even then the trailer probably won't be posted online until next Monday.

Watch and enjoy, and I will have an HD version when it becomes available.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Amazing Spider-Man Trailer on the Way?

Ladies, and gentlemen I recieved news yesterday that there is a possibility we could see an Amazing-Spiderman trailer before Captain America: The First Avenger this Friday. Unfortunately, I have no way to confirm this outside of the fact that other websites are posting the same thing. Also, its worth noting the fact that no video has leaked of this supposed trailer which would be quite surprising since both The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers teasers leaked a few days before they were set to officially land.

With all of the new info we have recieved from the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly it would make sense that they would release a trailer around this time. Lets also not forget that the Amazing Spider-Man has been filming longer than both other films listed above. If it's a full fledged three minute trailer I will be pleasantly surprised, but I expect to see more of a teaser, if anything at all. Hopefully something though. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Green Lantern: Brightest Day, or Blackest Night? [Review]

I'm a little behind on this review I know, but better late than never. I would like to start off by saying that I'm a big Green Lantern fan and I had high hopes for this film. Sadly, the movie fell a little short for me.

The plot is as follows: The Entity of Fear gets loose, and begins to plan, and exact its revenge on the Green Lantern Corps. From there we meet Hal Jordan, and his past with his father, and the rest of his family. We then learn about his badboy esque attitude and how he doesn't do well with authority. He is then thrust into this unknown world when an alien spaceship crash lands in the same location Hal chooses to blow off some steem. The ship contains Abin Sur (who we learn about prior to this, as well as his relationship with Sinestro) who Hal feels obligated to help even though he doesn't even know him. From here Hal gets the ring, and the government takes control of Abin Sur's body. This is when we meet Hector Hammond, and the role he plays for the future of the film. Carol Ferris is also introduced along the way, and I'll get to her later. Trust me. In the end Hal is the only defense for Earth against Paralax who plans on using the Earth to send a message to the galaxy, and the Guardians.

First of all, the acting for the most part is sub-par. Ryan Reynolds did a good job as Hal Jordan, he was actually one of my favorite parts of the film outside of the special effects. I felt like he did a good job capturing the character; even though there was some unecessary humor thrown into the movie. Blake Lively plays Carol Ferris, and I didn't enjoy her in that role at all. She is very flat, and unconvincing. Carol is a very strong, empowered woman in the comic books. This is the woman that is supposed to become Star Saphire, and even though she loves, and cares for Hal she doesn't put up with his crap. I feel that if they try to incorporate Carol Ferris into future films within this franchise they will have to re-cast. Peter Sarsgaard plays Hector Hammond, and he was very creepy at times, whereas other times I felt like he was trying to hard. Plus I didn't really enjoy the addition of Hector Hammond as a secondary enemy within the film either. Mark Strong does deliver an incredible Sinestro, but we hardly ever see him which was disappointing.

                                                  Mark Strong as Sinestro

Some of the humor feels great, and I actually laughed, but other times I found myself thinking why is this happening? I wanted to see more of the Green Lantern Corps as well. We see Oa, the home planet of the Green Lantern Corps; but we only see it on a large scale a couple times. Other times we spend time with The Guardians, as they talk, and plan how they are gonna defend Oa amongst themselves and with Sinestro. Which like I said earlier we hardly ever see Sinestro, and when we do he is just talking to somebody. Fanboys know that he was once the greatest Green Lantern of them all, and they even say this in the movie but they do nothing to show it. He spars with Hal one time when Hal first arrives on Oa, and I really enjoyed this scene just wished it was longer. It was good to see Kilowog, Tomar Re, and some of the other Corpsmen come to life on the big screen, but that's about all that you get. They all only have a couple scenes, and you can tell half way through that this is going to be the Hal Jordan show. I didn't mind that so much because that is what I came in expecting. From the trailers they showed, I thought they were going to focus on Oa and the other Lanters a little more than they did.

Green Lantern WonderCon footage

The Special Effects were very eye-popping, and I thoroughly enjoyed those. Seeing the suits, and constructs was a lifelong fanboy dream I have had. I wish there would have been more fighting/action scenes involving the constructs because they were one of the highlights of this film. They could have cut out some unnecessary scenes to make room for longer action sequences, or more scenes on Oa. There are some unneeded comedy bits, as well as a scene involving Hal's brothers that doesn't feels like it belongs in the movie. There are other scenes that feel the same way; out of place, and unwanted. Which is bad, because they make this movie feel too long. The films running time is around a hour and 45 minutes, so you shouldn't be feeling like you have been sitting there for too long. The story takes a while to finally get into the juicy development cycle, and when it does the closing fight sequence seems like it is too short.

The Green Lantern comics have such a rich universe, and multiple stories, and characters that people really care for, and it doesn't feel like the same care was put into this movie. With all of the great stories that Geoff Johns has produced involving Green Lantern I expected something on par, but maybe my hopes were to high? The story starts to feel like it is being dumbed down for the casual audience to understand, and that would be a mistake by the writers if true.

                                                       Beware My Power...

I know that it might seem like I didn't enjoy the movie at all, but I did. I just feel like it should have been organized better. Once again, Ryan Reynolds, and Mark Strong were great. As well as all of the scenes on Oa, and the special effects (especially the constructs). The plot could have been better, but I'm sure a lot of people will just say its what they expected from a comic book movie; but with the quality that is being put into other comic book movies these days I expected more. I have seen the movie twice, and I didn't really find myself enjoying it more the second time around, but I didn't dislike it as much as I did the first time I saw it. To be clear, this is a movie that I will most likely purchase on Blu-ray so that I can watch it more, and pick out bits and pieces of things that I missed. Honestly, the special effects make it worth owning for me, but thats just my opinion. My verdict for you all is to wait for it to come out on Blu-ray and watch it then if you're still curious. If you're a hardcore comic fan like me, and have been excited for this movie since it was announced then you have probably already seen it. If you're still on the fence; wait until the Blu-ray comes out, who knows it may have special features or an extended cut that make it a must buy.

One more thing that I forgot is that there is a scene that appears right in the middle of the credits with Sinestro that is quite exciting, and sets up some excellent possibilities for a sequel.

DC: The New 52 Hardcover Collection Announced

DC Comics announced today that they plan to release a hardcover graphic novel on December 7th that will collect all 52 #1's from the companies previously announced series re-boots. Rumor is that it will be 1216 pages long, but no details have been announced if it will include any bonus material from any of the series creators.

The books is going to feature the work of Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Scott Snyder, Grant Morrison, Rags Morales, Doug Mahnke, Yanick Paquette, and many others.

The question now is whether you will decide to buy each individual comic when it comes out, or wait for the big hardcover collection when it becomes available? Or possibly both?

Avengers Assemble! Teaser Trailer Leaked?

It was brought to my attention yesterday that a bootleg copy of The Avengers teaser trailer has leaked, so I decided I had to see it to believe it. Well, it is in fact true, and even though the quality is bad, especially the audio it gave me goosebumps to watch. I have posted the video below, and I would have posted the link for where I originally saw it, but it has since been taken down from the site. The video is posted below. It will officially premiere after the credits of Captain America: The First Avenger so make sure you stick around.

We get a good look at Captain America's new costume as well as Thor's and Hawkeyes. Tony Stark appears both in, and out of the Iron Man Armor, and Black Widow has a couple scenes as well. It is very short, and it is a lot to take in through such a short period of time. When it is officialy released I'm going to have to watch, and re-watch it. Another thing I found interesting is we dont see Hulk at all. We dont even see Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner. So either Joss Whedon is keeping him hidden still, or he wont play as big a role as we all thought he would. I cant be sure, just something to think about.

I cant wait to see this in HD. I'm officially more excited to see this movie than I am The Dark Knight Rises. Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Friday, July 15, 2011

New Captain America Poster

It seems that every day lately Marvel keeps unveiling behind the scenes info about Captain America: The First Avenger, and today is no different. Below is a picture of a new poster just released today, and might I say I think it's the best yet. Let me know what you think in the comments section.

Also, a few days back this exclusive look at a shield fighting sequence was revealed. It got me incredibly excited and I decided to share it within this post as well. Check right after the picture for the clip and tell me what you think about that as well. Cap is my all time favorite hero, and so far this movie looks like it is going to do him some justice.

Captain America: The First Avenger movie poster

This is the clip I talked about earlier. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did, and remember go see the movie in theaters July 22nd. Go at midnight for good measure, I'll be there. Hope to have it reviewed by the next day.

The Dark Knight Rises First Official Images

I decided to post the first OFFICIAL images from The Dark Knight Rises while I wait for a high quality version of the trailer. I know all of you have probably already seen them but just humor me..or something.

The first official image from The Dark Knight Rises is here! BANE!
(via JoBlo)
Tom Hardy is looking like a beast as Bane so far

This is the first poster that has come out to advertise the movie

And just to be clear, any other image that you see is fake, or a really good fan re-creation. These are the only two pictures we have recieved outside of the trailer that just landed

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Trailer [UPDATE] 7/18/11

So, I'm a little late to the posting parade that happened a couple days ago when this trailer first leaked, but I waited to see how many of the videos were going to get pulled down before I decided to do any posting. Turns out that all the good quality vids are gone so I'm posting a kind of decent one but I guess I'll let you guys be the judge of that. I also thought I would post a couple just so you could see different qualities, and I will for sure post the official Warner Bros realeased version when it becomes available which I imagine will be no later then Monday.

[UPDATE]: The official version of the trailer is here, and you can finally see and hear everything as if you were watching it in the theater. Look for it below where the other two videos used to be.

A couple key points to look for: Gordon in the hospital bed (pay close attention to the conversation)
-They flash a close up of Bane really fast, and you can see his mask and bald head.
-I'm gonna leave the last little bit a secret and all I'm gonna say is pay attention to the end

This teaser is probably going to be showing before a lot of movies releasing in the theaters in the future, and though there isn't a lot of new footage I'm incredibly excited. I saw it in the theater, and it looked much better, especially with the booming audio. Either way let me know what you think. The scene at the end with Batman backing away from Bane is pretty intense, and I think they will probably have the best PHYSICAL, not PSCHOLOGICAL, but PHYSICAL fight out of all three of Nolan's Batman movies. 

Amazing Spider-Man graces the cover of Entertainment Weekly

Very excited to share some news about the Amazing Spider-Man starring Andrew Garfield, and Emma Stone. I'm pretty impressed, and even more excited to see this film. The issue of Entertainment Weekly is available for purchase everywhere now. Also, let me know what you think back here on the comments section.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Transformers Dark of the Moon Review

Michael Bay and the Transformers are back for another over the top thrill ride this summer, and with people slowly losing interest in the franchise should you even see Transformers 3?
Simply put: yes you should. The movie still has some quirky humor scenes that it could have gone without, and some people are gonna complain about the pacing but all in all I would say it was a great film.
The story is about the real reason why the space race of the 60s started, and of course it involved Trabsformers landing on the moon. We find out how the crashed ship ends up on the moon through an extremely well done opening sequence that shows beautifully rendered battles during the War For Cybertron. This story is probably the best out of the three and as the movie goes on there is some interesting plot twists that keep you entertained up until the big climax.
Now, I am a huge Transformers fanboy so needless to say I was excited for this movie and I was excited to see characters like Sentinel Prime ( Voiced by Leonard Nemoy) from the original cartoons show up in the movies finally. Lazerbeak is finally in the movie as well and Soundwave has a bigger role this time around so fans should be pleased with that. As well as the fact that Shockwave makes his movie debut, and boy let me tell you he has some scary scenes.
That's another thing this movie did well. It made the Decepticons seem scary. They aren't terrifying in the G1 cartoons but it has seemed like sense the first movie Bay has been trying to make them scary but has fallen short. With Dark of the Moon he pulls it off and it feels very satisfying. Along with the Decepticons being scary there is a lot of other emotional moments in the movie that will make any Transformers fan; whether it be of the movies, or the franchise in general; tense up.
Another high point of the movie is the hour long third act that steals the show. This is the first time that you will really feel like our world is being threatened by the Transformers Civil War, and just when you think its hit its high point another exciting/shocking moment happens and then another after that.
The Verdict: Go see this movie, I plan on seeing it a couple more times while its still in theaters. Bay really pulls out all the stops and the result is all the action, and robots in disguise that you wanted to see. Some of the humor is dull and annoying but other parts steal some cheap laughs. Either way it is nowhere as bad as Skidz and Mudflap were last time around. Also worth noting is the 3D. I haven't seen it used so well in a movie since Avatar. I was skeptical at first but the 3D really does add a little something to all the madness on screen and I recommend at least seeing it once in 3D and once 2D just to judge for yourself. I think this movie will please fans of the first two films, and longtime fans of the franchise as well. However, if you don't care for the Transformers then this film isn't going to change your mind
                                                                Reviewed: Dillon Belmudez