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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TOP 5: Most Disappointing

Hello all, this is the start of a new segment that I'm going to be doing about the Top 5 things in various categories I chose. Sometimes it could be very vague (like now) or very specific depending on what mood I'm in, or I feel like judging in a top 5 format. Plus if you ever decide to read I'm willing to take any suggestions about what you guys and gals want to see as well. Without further adue lets get started.

TOP 5: Most Disappointing: We are halfway through 2011 so I felt it appropriate that I begin to list my most disappointing, most surprising, and overall best entertainment so far this year. Now, entertainment can include anything from books, comic books, movies, music, and video games.

1: Green Lantern: This movie was disappointing to me because I'm a huge Green Lantern fan, and I had such high hopes for the movie, especially after seeing all the exciting pictures and trailers that were released beforehand. I will say that the special effects, and makeup work looked very good, and Ryan Reynolds did well as Hal Jordan, but Blake Lively is flat, and not a good Carol Ferris. Plus the movie tried to force some unecessary humor into some of the scenes and I was really looking forward to a darker, intense, drama more along the lines of Nolan's Batman films. Now just to be clear, this isn't my official review, I'm going to try to see it one more time before I post my official review of the movie as a whole. One viewing however, is more than enough for it to qualify for my most disappointing list.

2: Duke Nukem Forever: There's not much to say about this 12 year in the making disappointment. Plain and simple the game sucks so much that I couldn't even bring myself to purchase it and try to play through the whole thing even once. I canceled my pre order after playing the demo, and before you smite me down and tell me that a demo isn't a finished project I have played the real game, and the demo is pretty much the exact same as the finished project. I probably won't have a formal review for this game, but I am writing a formal Unrecommend post talking about all the things that made me so upset I canceled my pre order, and have almost lost faith in Duke...

3: The Hangover Part II: Don't see this movie. It isn't good. No matter what your friends tell you it isn't good. It is a direct re-hash of the first movie just in a different setting. Everything pretty much happens the same, and in the same order. Outside of a couple genuinely funny parts. There is nothing worth spending money to see in this sequel. I will also will be writing a review for this movie when I get a chance as well. I'm very behind and I know. Life has been pretty busy lately, and the blog has suffered because of it, but I'm working hard in the free time to catch up.

4: IDW Comics Infestation: Zombies, and Vampires are both very popular right now, and this story features both. Automatically makes it awesome right?! Wrong. Personally I was really looking forward to this story, especially since it crossed over into IDW's other comics such as Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Star Trek, and Transformers. The main story ended up being very lacking, and the actual standouts of this series were the Transformers, Ghostbusters, and Star Trek tie ins. All in all, if you missed this comic series this year, you didn't miss much. If you want to read more about what I thought of it personally just check the Infestation Blog Post on the main page.

5: Camelot: Starz's new original series Camelot started a couple months ago and I was eager to watch the first couple episodes. I slowly began to conclude as the season pressed on that the actor cast to play King Arthur is a whiny bitch and the show turned out to be something that I didn't expect. Action is sprinkled throughout, and it has ocassionaly been good but for the most part I felt that the series has just been lacking overall. I don't feel any emotion for any of the characters except for the young Arthur that makes me want to physically hurt him evey time he steps on screen. When I don't care if the main character lives or dies in a fantasy epic, well then we've got a problem. Also, the show started around the same time that HBO launched it's new original series Game of Thrones; which is based off on George R.R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice novels. I have enjoyed this series much more than Camelot and will be writing more about it soon.

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