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Sunday, May 29, 2011

L.A. Noire

This isn't so much of a review, its more like a recommendation to play this game immediately. I have been having sooo much fun with this game. Its so realistic and lifelike. The facial animations on characters are great and they are an integeral part of figuring out whether or not someone is lying to you while you are questioning you for information. Rockstar games and Team Bondi knocked this one out of the park. While playing this game I long for more great Noire stories in movies, video games, comic books anything Noir I can get my hands on I want to be involved with.
I will say that it is a slow paced game, just like any really good noir story. That being said if your not into slow pacing or would rather play a game like GTA then this isn't the game for you. This is a very serious crime thriller with action sprinkled in when it makes sense with the narrative. You will spend a majority of your time interviewing, and searching for clues. If you appreciate story as much as I do, then this is the game for you. Its my pick for game of the year so far highly recommended

Thor Movie Review

Let me just start off by saying that if your a huge fan of Thor this movie does a lot of things right. However if you don't really care for Thor than the movie pry won't change your mind. I personally like Thor as a character, and like the world and characters that surround him, and that's what takes center stage in the movie. The action sequences and scenes that take place on Asgard are so well done! Kenneth Branagh did a great job capturing the tension between Thor, his half brother Loki, and father Odin. Now I know I said earlier that if you don't like Thor this won't change your mind about him as a character but that doesn't mean that you won't enjoy the movie.
For starters, the story is very good and faithfull to the comics in the sense that Thor gets banished from Asgard for his actions and must prove himself worthy if he wants to become the hammer weilding God of Thunder again. While he's down on Midgard (Earth) Nattalie Portman's character Jane Foster helps save him and set him on the right path back to worthyness. They do end up falling in love, but that part felt kind of forced to me because they didn't even know each other very well and she seemed to be more infatuated by the fact that he thinks of himself as a god.
The Destroyer armor is also present in the movie as we all know but his battle seems fairly short. You can tell that they are trying to focus on Loki being the main villain and becoming the evil trickster we all know him to be but I still would hav enjoyed a bigger fight between Thor, The Warriors 3 and The Destroyer. There is also a couple of cool chameos worth mentioning, but I don't wanna spoil the film for those of you that haven't seen it. I will say that Stan Lee has one of the best chameos in a Marvel movie to date. Also stay past the credits for a little something extra that I now know was directed by Joss Whedon.
Bottom line: Go see Thor! If you enjoy it as much as I did you will be clammering for more and pry see it twice. 

The month of May

Ok hello all 2 of you that read this blog, if you know me then you know that I have been gone for a while and haven't been posting. This is because I had a very busy month of May. I have been working a lot and scowering the world for all that is great in nerd entertainment this month. Its been a great month.

I'll be posting a couple other blog post about the comics I'm reading, what movies to see and to not see, and what Blu Ray releases that are good and what television shows you should be watching. I know its been a while but stick with me we're gonna be going to great places.