Comic Book News Feed

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Brightest Day #23

Ok so can we talk Brightest Day for a second? I mean wow! This last issue was tremendous, and loaded to the brim with reveals. This is what it has all been leading up to, this is why we have been reading so faithfully for the last year. If you haven't been reading Brightest Day I suggest that you pick it up. Its truly a great story, and is supposed to lead into Flashpoint (as far as I know).
Ok so I'm gonna keep the remainder of the post spoiler free as well. I hate spoilers and I don't wanna ruin anything for anyone who reads this but hasn't picked up the issue yet. However, people commenting on what's going on and sharing their opinions might not be spoiler free so just be warry.
On to my review....
If you haven't guessed yet I loved this issue. Geoff Johns' storytelling really shines through and kudos to the various artists of the book for making destruction look bright and beautiful. There's only 1 or 2 issues remaining and I get the feeling that the reveals are far from over. Some very, and I mean VERY unexpected characters make an appearance as well and I literally hate the fact that I have to wait another 2 weeks for this book (thank god its not a month!)
The only gripe I think some people might have is that there might be too much going on. There has been 23 issues now, and this one stands out as one of the biggest ones to date. This issue also helps you understand why everything has been happening, and that White Lantern keeps promising its for a greater good.
In all, I think I'm going to make this book my pick of the week. This week was a relatively small week for me however as I can't afford to buy every book that comes out. Fear Itself by Fraction, and Immonen is a very close second because that book showed a lot of promise and is a great way to start a miniseries.
ALSO, please, PLEASE add Avengers the Childrens Crusade to your pull list. Its a great book and doesn't deserve to go unnoticed

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